Thursday, February 14, 2013

The Ebay Alternative World

The Ebay Alternative World

You are probably here at this site because you have been suspended by Ebay or have suffered through a Ebay suspension. The most realistic approach to this situation is to move on with your online life. Leave the Ebay suspension in the rear view mirror and open up shop else where. It will be difficult, but all things are difficult at first. The fear of the unknown is the thing that makes it most difficult.

I remember the first time I suffer through an ebay suspension, while I was working to get my account back up and running I looked around for other places to set up shop and earn a living. It was not the easiest experience, I had to go through trial and error over many weeks. Even after getting reinstated at Ebay I continued to search for Ebay alternatives. I never stopped investigating all of the possibilities. So when another Ebay suspension came along (they are never one and done) I was ready to walk away. Yeah, sure I missed the traffic a bit and the auction style of the site. In the non ebay world of the online merchant you have to work a little harder for the next sale, but sales do come and business does grow over time.

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There is also the profit per sale value of selling at other sites than Ebay. Those massive fees that ebay charges can really cut into your profits. Between Ebay and its personal bank Paypal you are giving up ten percent or more of every single sale. As a power seller I would look at my monthly fees and they were hundreds of dollars between the twon companies. While at some of the online marketplaces that I would at now my fees are barely noticeable. There is also the cool fact that you get to accept check and money orders at the other sites. Along with Amazon and Google Checkout payments.

The world of Ebay Alternatives is big and getting bigger each month with the first and always the best choice being your own website. That is another post for another day. Just take a few moment to investigate the other marketplaces where you can work. I have listed many of them at this site and even written a book that gives you step by step ways to find these sites and to set up your accounts and to start making money there.
There will come a day when you look at being suspended by Ebay as the best and not the worst thing that has ever happened to you and your business.

If you found something of interest in this post please share it with a friend. Thank you and have a nice day.

Friday, February 8, 2013

My Ebay Recovery Book

My Ebay Recovery Book

I started this blog almost a year ago to help those who had found themselves in the same situation that I had a few years ago.

I had been suspended by Ebay.

I had watched a thriving online business go from a few thousand dollars a month in income down to next to nothing. I had to scramble to recover. I had to deal with telling my family that times were going to be hard for a while. I promised them at the time that I would find a way to make it all right again.

My first move was to sneak back on Ebay. Why not? It was all that I knew. I went the ebay stealth route for a few months. Then I got caught again and lost all the effort I had put in. The difference is that during that second time spent working at Ebay I treated it as something that I could not depend upon. I worked on building up my presence at other sites. I began to move my business away from being dependant upon Ebay and even its pay system Paypal. So when the second Ebay Suspension came because they found out that I was still me, (what was I thinking) I was now making as much money off site as I was at Ebay. I was making more money from using other payment methods like Google checkout that I was at Paypal. Keep in mind that for many a Ebay suspension or an Ebay resctriction can result in a Paypal restricted accout or a paypal suspension so you need to plan for this as well.

This takes me to the topic of the day. While writing this Blog I have been working on an Ebook to help those who want to start over. A lot of the information in the book is on this blog. A lot of the information is more focused and in greater detail. I am not going to sell it for 29.99 on clickbank. That is a crazy amount of money for information that is available to those willing to do the research and put in the hours of hands on work. I did this for four years. I learned through trial and error how to earn a living without Ebay. I am talking a few thousand dollars a month. You could make six figures as an online seller, but the trade off in time away from my family, I have a small child, is too much at the moment for me to undertake.


The basic information in this book will help you to build a business that will enable you to earn what you wish to earn as an online seller. There are enough sites out there with enough traffic to replace Ebay as the source of income for your family. My little ebook will give you the basics about those sites and what you need to do to make money there. The price of the book is 1.99. I got yelled at by members of my family for not charging more. I am not trying to get rich off of this book. If I charged more I could make more, but there are so many former sellers out there who need help without getting robbed or without being sold a bill of good about how easy it is to get back on Ebay. My response to those guys who write the stealth books is yeah it can be done, but why would you want to go crawling back to a job at a business that does not want you. When I became an adult I realized that it came with responsibilities and choices. After being suspended by Ebay I chose to crawl back for a while until I was strong enough to walk away on my own terms. The price of my book is set so that people who really need it can afford it. I see a day when those who happily sell on Ebay will be buying this books as a prep course for the day that they will be able to walk away from Ebay without worrying what they are going to do to support their families.

This has been my shameless plug for my book. After you buy it, please review it and tell others about how helpful it has been to you. To check it out and to read a few sample chapters click on the click here caption beneath the image of my book cover. You can now also find the book at Amazon, iTunes and Barnes and Noble.

Thank you for visiting. Have a nice day.