Monday, May 21, 2012


                    Try Yardsellr

    Next stop on our replace Ebay at any cost tour takes us to the site known as Yardsellr. This site has been around for a while. They are easy to sign up with. I do not believe that they will ever be a rival to Ebay and the main reason is that there is not evidence that they wish to be.

    Yardsellr is a nice little site and seems that they are comfortable being what they are. The layout is pretty simple and easy to navigate. Yardsellr seems to be a site that depends upon social media and interaction. This may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but face it social media will be an important part of the future of this kind of business. (Speaking of which, if you could find the time to add us to your Google plus and or stumble us on Stumbleupon that would help us out a lot.) So if you have a presence on facebook the social part of this site will be easy. Yardsellr may not be your last stop on your road to freedom from Ebay suspension, but it is a good place to set up shop.

    Here now is a basic video review of the site.

Final note for today if you are looking for places to wholesale supplies for your online business, I have built a website to help in that area. Whether you sell book, clothing or electronics I have found a few sources and if you are interested then  click here.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Why not Your Own Site?

            Best Ebay Alternative, Your Own Site

    Face it, the best alternative long term to Ebay is your own website. The number one reason is that it is yours and it belongs to you. You run it, you promote it and you collect all of the profits.

    And isn’t that what we are really talking about here. Profit.

    We are in this to turn a profit and earn a living.

    Some of us did that at Ebay for a time and then we either moved on or were forced to move on. At the end of the day it will always come down to the first rule of nature. To survive you must adapt. The dinosaurs could not and that is why they are not here anymore. Leaving Ebay has forced you to adapt.

    Right now you are probably adapting to working at new sites and getting use to the routine where ever you are working at the moment. Wouldn’t it be great to have your own website? Filled with your own content. Selling or marketing anything and everything that you wish?

    You would be your own boss and I can help you to do this.

    You could either pay someone or a service to do this for you. Or you could do it yourself. Why do it yourself? You will learn a skill that may come in handy down the road. You will save a great deal of money. Face it people want hundreds for website building. Why pay them or me? Do it yourself. I got a free tutorial set up for you. It will walk you through getting a domain. Signing up for hosting and constructing website. The tutorial is less than an hour. The time from start to finish will be about two hours total and you will have a site of your own. You can come back to this post and click here when you are ready, if you are not ready to do this today. The site you will be sent to will also have pages listing wholesale suppliers for your business.

    Okay my DIY sales pitch is done. If you are not ready to branch out on your own I understand. Next stop will be a site named Yardsellr.