Sunday, February 12, 2012

A Place Called Ecrater

                Ebay suspended,

    The page layout is not great.  It is pretty standard.  You can not do many ad ons
or anything in the way of banners.  You do not have the option of setting your items
apart from the rest.  That said, there is not much to complain about here at Ecrater.
    You can list for Free there.  You have sort of your own mini webstore and you
can list as many items as you wish.  In as many categories as you want.
    Ecrater uses Adsense and they are willing to share revenue with you.
    Did you get that one?
    Share revenue with you.
    Depending upon how many items you have up and how much traffic you
generate this can be a good thing.
    On the other hand because of the ease of signing up and posting the market place
is a bit flooded in some key categories.  The competition is stiff.  You are going to
have to go lower margins on your price points to get some separation from the competition.
Because of the limited traffic you are going to go through dry sales periods, but if you
have a hot item or two you can generate a lot of sales quickly.  Ecrater has become a
place where the bargain shopper goes for items with a set price rather than having to
deal with the auction set up at Ebay.
    One more con about the site, customer service is not great.  If you manage to get
someone it will feel as if you are talking to someone, but not an actual human being.  Not
saying a robot responder.  It will feel more like an alien who has not completely grasped
the concepts of logic or reason.  Do not get me wrong they are ten times better than Ebay
because they will actually respond rather than sending a form letter that tells you absolutely
    Many former Ebay sellers look to Ecrater as the first and best alternative.  I will not
go that far, but on this move that we have undertaken this site is one worth planting a
flag upon.  I am suggesting that you set up shop here.
    Is this it?
    Is the journey finally over?
    Are we moving in?
    Yes and no.
    Say what?
    Rent a room here.  Or as I look at it, a display case.  Let’s put up some product
here.  You can list everything that you have.  After all why not, it is free to do so.  I do
not believe any of us can earn a living here, but we can make some money here.
    The answer to your question is that we are not moving in.  This is not our final
stop, but if a friend will let you stick around without paying any rent and will actually
give you a few buck (Adsense) to sleep on the sofa then why not.
    If you have not figured it out yet.  The moving on from Ebay plan involves multiple
stops along the way.  We are not going to be able to do it all at once, but it will get done.
We will not stop and we will not fail in our mission to achieve freedom.
    Summing up, Ecrater is a solid place to hang a open for business sign.
    We are not done yet.
    So let’s go get some items from the trunk of the vehicle, leave them here for sale
and then we can hit the road again.
    Our next stop is a place called Bonanza.
    No, no, no, cut that out.  There is no massive ranch run by a old man and his
sons.  Paw and little Joe will not be there.  Although it is located on the  west coast and
does have a west coastal laid back kind of feel about it.
    Will you please stop humming the Theme music.
    If you would like to bypass this journey and create your own website please visit me by
clicking here
     I can offer you free help with building your own website and the full video tutorial will
take about an hour.  If not then fine, let's go visit Bonanza next. 

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Ebay Suspended, How About Your Own Website?

Ebay Suspended,

    If you are visiting for the first time I thought that I would give you a little pep talk.
    You are not alone. Each and every day of the week and almost every hour of every
single day Ebay is issuing restrictions and suspensions. You are not the first person
and you will not be the last. Someday there will be a kinder and gentler replacement
for this monster, but until that day comes we will have to engage in work arounds.
You are going to have to learn to live without Ebay.
    Try to get back on.
    Go stealth if you have to. This works for many, but not for all.  I am here to
offer you ideas for some alternatives and what to do when or if stealth fails or
you are suspended again.  The good news is that there will be a day when you
are totally independent.  You will have you own websitevisit here and be your own boss.
If you are not ready these post will help you take steps toward that day.
     If you are ready then why not  visit here  and learn how to build your own
site in an hour or so.
    Good luck and do not worry this road is not as long as you would believe. 

Friday, February 10, 2012

Ebay Suspended, Let's Talk Ebid

    Ebay Suspended

    Not much traffic driving in here.
    No worries, the sellers parking lot looks pretty full.
    Come on, let’s go inside.
    I have been kind of looking forward to this, another auction site.
    Page design is solid.  Easy to set up an ad.
    You can do this for free here or you can sign up for the all
purpose lifetime membership.  At the moment it will cost you 49.49
for this membership.  I do not honestly know whether or not this membership will help you will sales here.  I am not at this moment willing to risk the money until I have more evidence that it is worth it.
If Ebid could promise a quarter of the sales traffic that Ebay offers
then I would be willing to pay twice that much to join.

      Let’s look at the pros and cons of working here.

    Ebid is a Google marketplace partner, but lately who isn’t?

    Registration here is Free.

           Minimum listing fee is Free.  The maximum fee is 0.05.
    Minimum final value fee is Free and the max is just 3 percent.
    That is the good.  The bad is there does not seem to be enough
traffic to promise steady sales and by steady sales I mean at least one
sale per week.

    They use Google Adsense and unlike some sites they offer you
no control over the ads and no share in the revenue.  It also seems
that this site has attracted a great deal of over priced and out dated
stock.  I am not saying that many of the sellers here are lazy, but the
free listing seems to equated in some eyes that it is okay to flood the
place with junk that only a drunken lunatic during a lunar eclipse would
be interested in.

      Ebid could become a strong rival of Ebay if it believed
in itself.  Do not get me completely wrong here, I understand that Ebid
does much better business in his home base the UK than it does here
in America. You could do worst than setting up shop here. Here is a link
if you wish to visit and sign up and try it.
eBid. Online Auctions with no listing fees

    We are looking for a new place to do business and despite the
look and feel of this place Ebid at the moment is not going to be it.

    Back to the vehicle.  We have a promising place to visit.

    Have any of your ever heard of Ecrater?