Tuesday, November 27, 2012

A Few Ebay Stories

            Ebay Stories

    Some have asked why am I doing this blog. What is the point of creating a blog based upon the idea that the biggest online marketplace is not a place that one should attempt to earn a living at.

   The answer is that if Ebay was what they once were I would say go right ahead and set up shop, but not at what they have become. You can not build your business and your future around a company that can kick you off of their site for any number of reasons. In America everyone is entitled to a trial unless you are a seller at ebay.

    I could tell you about my horror stories or I could allow some other former sellers to tell you about how their careers at ebay ended.

    Look it will never be easy to walk away from a place where you have become comfortable. What I am suggesting to those of you who still sell there is that you go out and get a back up plan.  If you have already been suspended by Ebay then I suggest that you move forward with setting up shop at other sites.

    If you are beyond the urge to work at sites belonging to others then I would suggest that you build your own website.   There are a lot of services that can help you do this for a small price. If you want an instructional on how to DIY your own wordpress website click here.

    Okay that is it for today. Tell a friend about this site, add us yo your google plus and have a nice day.
eBid. Online Auctions with no listing fees
Create your online store today!


  1. You don't know me. I am not anyone notable. I have been absent from the world at large for years only having just begun to re-emerge after escaping an abusive relationship that continues to threaten to swallow me alive leaving no trace of my existence. I have no money, no list of distinguished accomplishments. My parents are deceased and having grown up in dysfunction, I have no other family, no relatives to whom I can turn to for help.
    Like most battered women, I have no friends -developing any type of friendship was prohibited by my abuser.
    After 2 hospitalizations and having nearly succeeded in ending my own life to escape the intolerable conditions in which I was intimidated and coerced to exist- I knew I had to escape which meant I had to have some means with which to support myself -
    Extricating oneself from domestic violence is near impossible without help -i am afraid to. Seek regular employment because my abuser. Is determined to destroy me because I left.
    I was able to escape by opening a clandestine eBay account and selling clothing and boxed family heirlooms on eBay... I left in March and have encountered numerous difficulties and sabotage by my former partner - by the grace of God, through eBay, I was able to break free from my abuser and manage to keep a roof over my head and get my basic needs met- and I do mean just barely!- but I am alive, I exist and I am visible again which is worth more than anyone apart from those who share my experience can ever imagine!
    Today, every hope I dared to have again, my ability to support myself and my freedom - actually my survival were all shattered today when eBay suspended my account because I couldn't always pay for items- which I regret and would gladly forfeit any privilege to buy on eBay if I could just keep my seller account which to me, quite literally is life or death.
    I have called repeatedly today- been told to stop crying and calm down as calls were lost during transfers, being left on 20 to 30 minute holds only to be told someone would call me back but I had to change my number last week due to harassment from my ex and no one seems to understand when I beg them to update my number so someone CAN call me back nor will anyone explain WHY they did this without telling me that this was about to happen- HOW did this come about? WHY no mention of this I spoke to them earlier this week I was led to believe everything was okay and I was not about to be suspended - and why they feel I had too many "not as described issues" when None have counted against me and there were 3 ever opened...but no one will speak to me and explain what happened or why I wasn't instructed that this was immenent- they restricted my buying privilege for 7 days , reinstated it yesterday and then suspended my account indefinitely today and tell me if I try to open another account they'll suspend it too...I am desperate for information- for an opportunity to right where I have erred and have more guidance - some concrete rules to follow and clear proscribed consequences not things that hit you out of the blue-
    I am so desperate, I am begging for your help- I know from reading your story that you are on a committee and clearly someone eBay values and is proud to be affilitated with- I have nowhere to turn and no place else to go. If I can't have my seller accoint restored right away- I will be homeless in 2 weeks - or forced to return to my ex where I cannot even fathom the punishing hell he will subject me to for having left- neither option is livable - that account is literally my life.
    I never have to be allowed to buy anything on eBay ever again- just someone please, anyone- help me at least have a chance to talk to someone or be granted only selling privileges - or some forgiveness - and FAST! I cannot make rent come January 1 without the account restored- not asking anyone for any money, any support other than to believe in me, honor the fact that while imperfect, I am doing my best to pull myself up and out of darkness ...

    1. I have written a post today that may offer you some aid.
