Ebay Suspended, How Long?
The question is how long will it be before you decide to move on. It was a solid business a long time ago, but during the last few years they have become an unpredictable entity that discards any and all sellers who they deem unworthy of remaining in their presence.
They suspended or restricted you for no reason and you thought they did this to hurt you. Perhaps it is time to look at this in a whole new light.
Ebay did you the biggest favor of your life.
Ebay set you free to become an independent business person.
All of us have started off working for someone else and many of you believe that this is the only way to live. Going from one job to another searching for a company or organization that will value you enough not to let you go without warning.
We plan our lives around that job. We plan our future and that of our family around a job that can and most likely did go away. The world’s economy is in crisis; this means that so is the economic well being of what ever business that you work for is at risk as well. Ebay is so big that they do not see this and will not until it is far to late. They believe that they do not need you and all that you bring to the table. They believe that they are too big too fail. But they are not and when they do fail you will be one of the ones who feel lucky that you got out before they did.
The time has come to expand your business knowledge. To grow and to diversify. Below is some advice from one of the most popular voices in business.
Here you will begin. You will learn about new site to conduct business while you are doing the most important thing. While you are constructing your own website.
Think about that. My own website. My own brand. My own company that someday will become big enough so that I will need to hire employees someday. At this blog you will find a solid list of other blogs where you can run your online business. Also I would like you to look at and visit the resources that I suggest for you.
Today I offer to you one such resource. They can help you to build a website if you feel that you are not ready to do it all by yourself. There is nothing wrong will seeking help in an area where you do not yet possess the technical skills to do it yourself. So here is the a banner for a site that you can visit to aid you in building your own site.
If you are the do it yourself kind of person, they I have constructed a page with basic tutorials on how to do it yourself, you can CLICK HERE to visit it.
Good luck and remember to stumble us on Stumbleupon and add us to your google plus.